6.4 - Tuning
Recall that λ is a tuning parameter that helps to control our model from over-fitting to the training data.
We use k-fold CV to identify the optimal λ.
# Apply CV ridge regression to Ames data
<- cv.glmnet(
ridge x = X,
y = Y,
alpha = 0
# Apply CV lasso regression to Ames data
<- cv.glmnet(
lasso x = X,
y = Y,
alpha = 1
# plot results
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(ridge, main = "Ridge penalty\n\n")
plot(lasso, main = "Lasso penalty\n\n")
Ridge regression does not force any variables to exactly zero so all features will remain in the model but we see the number of variables retained in the lasso model decrease as the penalty increases.
The first and second vertical dashed lines represent the λ value with the minimum MSE and the largest λ value within one standard error of it. The minimum MSE for our ridge model is 0.02194817 (produced when λ= 0.1389619), whereas the minimum MSE for our lasso model is 0.0220374 (produced when λ= 0.00328574).
# Ridge model
min(ridge$cvm) # minimum MSE
## [1] 0.02194817
$lambda.min # lambda for this min MSE ridge
## [1] 0.1389619
$cvm[ridge$lambda == ridge$lambda.1se] # 1-SE rule ridge
## [1] 0.02512028
$lambda.1se # lambda for this MSE ridge
## [1] 0.6757165
# Lasso model
min(lasso$cvm) # minimum MSE
## [1] 0.02270374
$lambda.min # lambda for this min MSE lasso
## [1] 0.00328574
$cvm[lasso$lambda == lasso$lambda.1se] # 1-SE rule lasso
## [1] 0.02653887
$lambda.1se # lambda for this MSE lasso
## [1] 0.01326459
Above, we saw that both ridge and lasso penalties provide similar MSEs; however, these plots illustrate that ridge is still using all 299 features whereas the lasso model can get a similar MSE while reducing the feature set from 294 down to 135.
However, there will be some variability with this MSE and we can reasonably assume that we can achieve a similar MSE with a slightly more constrained model that uses only 69 features.
Although this lasso model does not offer significant improvement over the ridge model, we get approximately the same accuracy by using only 69 features!
# Ridge model
<- glmnet(
ridge_min x = X,
y = Y,
alpha = 0
# Lasso model
<- glmnet(
lasso_min x = X,
y = Y,
alpha = 1
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# plot ridge model
plot(ridge_min, xvar = "lambda", main = "Ridge penalty\n\n")
abline(v = log(ridge$lambda.min), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
abline(v = log(ridge$lambda.1se), col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
# plot lasso model
plot(lasso_min, xvar = "lambda", main = "Lasso penalty\n\n")
abline(v = log(lasso$lambda.min), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
abline(v = log(lasso$lambda.1se), col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
So far we’ve implemented a pure ridge and pure lasso model. However, we can implement an elastic net the same way as the ridge and lasso models, by adjusting the alpha
<- glmnet(X, Y, alpha = 1.0)
lasso <- glmnet(X, Y, alpha = 0.25)
elastic1 <- glmnet(X, Y, alpha = 0.75)
elastic2 <- glmnet(X, Y, alpha = 0.0)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(6, 4, 6, 2) + 0.1)
plot(lasso, xvar = "lambda", main = "Lasso (Alpha = 1)\n\n\n")
plot(elastic1, xvar = "lambda", main = "Elastic Net (Alpha = .25)\n\n\n")
plot(elastic2, xvar = "lambda", main = "Elastic Net (Alpha = .75)\n\n\n")
plot(ridge, xvar = "lambda", main = "Ridge (Alpha = 0)\n\n\n")

Figure 6.1: Coefficients for various penalty parameters.
Often, the optimal model contains an alpha
somewhere between 0–1, thus we want to tune both the λ and the alpha parameters.
# for reproducibility
# grid search across
<- train(
cv_glmnet x = X,
y = Y,
method = "glmnet",
preProc = c("zv", "center", "scale"),
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10),
tuneLength = 10
# model with lowest RMSE
$bestTune cv_glmnet
## alpha lambda
## 7 0.1 0.02006835
# plot cross-validated RMSE
ggplot(cv_glmnet) +

Figure 6.2: The 10-fold cross valdation RMSE across 10 alpha values (x-axis) and 10 lambda values (line color).
The above snippet of code shows that the model that minimized RMSE used an alpha of 0.1 and λ of 0.02. The minimum RMSE of 0.1277585 (MSE=0.1277585^2 = 0.01632223) slightly improves upon the full ridge and lasso models produced earlier.
So how does this compare to our previous best model for the Ames data set? Keep in mind that for this chapter we log transformed the response variable (Sale_Price
# predict sales price on training data
<- predict(cv_glmnet, X)
# compute RMSE of transformed predicted
RMSE(exp(pred), exp(Y))
## [1] 23281.59
Compared with the PLS model’s RMSE of $25,460. the optimized regularization regression model performs better.