3.2 Target engineering
Transforming the response (target) variable can lead to predictive improvement, especially with parametric models (i.e., models with certain assumptions about the underlying distribution of response and predictor variables). Let’s use the AMES
housing dataset to illustrate this concept.
First look at train dataset.
ames_train select(1:10) %>%
## Rows: 2,049
## Columns: 10
## $ Sale_Price <int> 105500, 88000, 120000, 125000, 67500, 112000, 122000, 127…
## $ MS_SubClass <fct> Two_Story_PUD_1946_and_Newer, Two_Story_PUD_1946_and_Newe…
## $ MS_Zoning <fct> Residential_Medium_Density, Residential_Medium_Density, R…
## $ Lot_Frontage <dbl> 21, 21, 24, 50, 70, 68, 0, 0, 98, 80, 87, 60, 70, 68, 60,…
## $ Lot_Area <int> 1680, 1680, 2280, 7175, 9800, 8930, 9819, 6897, 13260, 99…
## $ Street <fct> Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pave, Pav…
## $ Alley <fct> No_Alley_Access, No_Alley_Access, No_Alley_Access, No_All…
## $ Lot_Shape <fct> Regular, Regular, Regular, Regular, Regular, Regular, Sli…
## $ Land_Contour <fct> Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lvl, Lv…
## $ Utilities <fct> AllPub, AllPub, AllPub, AllPub, AllPub, AllPub, AllPub, A…
Plot the histogram response variable (Sales_Price)
ames_train ggplot(aes(Sale_Price)) +
geom_histogram(fill = 'steelblue')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## [1] 1.672107
has a right skeweness. This means that the majority of the distribution values are left of the distribution mean.
Solution #1 - Normalize with a log transformation
ames_train mutate(log_Sale_Price = log(Sale_Price)) %>%
ggplot(aes(log_Sale_Price)) +
geom_histogram(fill = 'steelblue')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## [1] -0.09635868
Solution #2 - Apply Box-Cox transformation
<- forecast::BoxCox.lambda(ames_train$Sale_Price) lambda
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
## method from
## as.zoo.data.frame zoo
ames_train mutate(bc_Sale_Price = forecast::BoxCox(ames_train$Sale_Price, lambda)) %>%
ggplot(aes(bc_Sale_Price)) +
geom_histogram(fill = 'steelblue')
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
skewness(forecast::BoxCox(ames_train$Sale_Price, lambda))
## [1] 0.2001352
Comments from the textbook:
Be sure to compute the
on the training set and apply that samelambda
to both the training and test set to minimize data leakage. The recipes package automates this process for you.If your response has negative values, the Yeo-Johnson transformation is very similar to the Box-Cox but does not require the input variables to be strictly positive. To apply, use