3.7 Meeting Videos

3.7.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:35:33    kevin kent: Anomalize package which I mentioned. Has a method that uses STL and does anomaly detection on the remainder (by Matt Dancho) https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/anomalize/vignettes/anomalize_quick_start_guide.html

3.7.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:38:08    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.10398.pdf
00:39:01    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://www.scb.se/contentassets/ca21efb41fee47d293bbee5bf7be7fb3/stl-a-seasonal-trend-decomposition-procedure-based-on-loess.pdf
01:03:58    Andres Felipe Perez:    my sound is acting up, so I'm going to log off and log back on