7.1 Intuition and Simplified Example


  • Interaction here is defined as the deviation from additivity.
  • Effects of a given feature depend on other features
  • In this chapter, we focus on pairwise interactions, but can extend to higher order interactions

Simplified Data Example

For illustrative purposes, create 2-way table using Titanic Dataset:

  • Limit to male subpopulation
  • Bifurcate Age variable into “Boys (0-16)” and “Adults (>16)” categories
  • Simplify Class into “2nd” class and “other” levels

Table 7.1: Proportion of Male Survivors on Titanic

Class Boys (0-16) Adults (>16) Total
2nd 11/12 = 91.7% 13/166 = 7.8% 24/178 = 13.5%
other 22/69 = 31.9% 306/1469 = 20.8% 328/1538 = 21.3%
Total 33/81 = 40.7% 319/1635 = 19.5% 352/1716 = 20.5%

Explain Survival Probability for Boys in 2nd Class

Additive Explanation 1

  • Marginal survival probability for 2nd class is 13.5%, so additive effect of class for this instance is -7% (13.5% - 20.5%) from mean.
  • Survival probability for boys in 2nd class is 91.7%, so additive effect of boys is 78.2% (91.7% - 13.5%)

Additive Explanation 2

  • Probability of survival for boys is 40.7%, so additive effect of boys from the mean is 20.2% (40.7% - 20.5%)
  • 2nd class survival chance for boys is 91.7%. Therefore, the 2nd class additive effect is 51% (91.7% - 40.7%)

Interaction Explanation

  • Additive explanations give different effects depending on order due to interaction
  • In other words, class depends on age and vice versa
  • Calculate Interaction effect
    • Calculate contribution of 2nd class/Boys together: (91.7% - 20.5% = 71.2%)
    • Subtract individual variable contributions to calculate net interaction effect: (71.2% - (-7%) - 20.2%), or 58%,
  • If there were no interaction effects, the probability of survival could be calculated the mean be the mean survival rate + individual variable effects (i.e., 20.5% -7% + 20.2% = 33.7%). However, this is incorrect here due to the presence of the class/age interaction.