Aside on log transformations

Note: This following material was not discussed in the EMA book.

Fitting a regression model on a log transformed target variable, then applying the inverse operation on the logged model prediction will result in biased predictions. This may or may not be a problem depending on your goals, loss functions, etc.

Helpful links:

Refer to the references below regarding techniques for bias correction when logging the target variable:

Example Bias Adjustment factors using Duan’s Transformation

Duan’s transformation Formula using log base 10: \[\hat{Y}_j = 10^{(\widehat{\log_{10}{Y}}_j)} \cdot \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N 10^{e_i}\]
where \(\widehat{\log_{10}{Y}}_j\) is the model’s prediction on the logged scale, and \(e_i\) is the model residual on the logged scale (i.e. \(log_{10} Y - \widehat{\log_{10}{Y}}_j\)).

ols smearing adjustment: 1.032
rf smearing adjustment: 1.008
gbm shallow smearing adjustment: 1.049
gbm deep smearing adjustment: 1.02

Below is a comparison of model performance on our test set using three different modeling methodologies:

  • Using the raw scale target variable for modeling
  • Using the log transformed target for modeling, then taking the inverse
  • Using the log transformed target for modeling, then taking the inverse * smearing adjustment
Fig 1: Raw Scale
Fig 1: Raw Scale
Fig 2: Back-transformed Log Scale
Fig 2: Back-transformed Log Scale
Fig 3: Back-transformed Log Scale with Smearing
Fig 3: Back-transformed Log Scale with Smearing


  • The random forest model performs best in terms of squared error on the raw scale.
  • The smearing adjustment improves the random forest compared to the basic back-transformed log model.
  • The deep GBM model’s MAD value improves slightly with smearing, with a very small deterioration in squared error.