9.5 Code Examples in R

Package options

  • lime is port of Python library, discretizes variables based on quartiles
  • localModel uses ceteris-paribus profiles,
  • iml works directly on continuous variables. One of package authors wrote popular interpretable ML book


  • DALExtra package needed for predict_surrogate() interface to multiple packages.
  • Default method ofpredict_surrogate() is localModel.
  • Examples below use K-LASSO for glass-box model
# core libraries

# load data nd models 
titanic_imputed <- archivist::aread("pbiecek/models/27e5c")
titanic_rf <- archivist:: aread("pbiecek/models/4e0fc")
johnny_d <- archivist:: aread("pbiecek/models/e3596")  

# explainer
titanic_rf_exp <- DALEX::explain(model = titanic_rf,  
                        data = titanic_imputed[, -9],
                           y = titanic_imputed$survived == "yes", 
                       label = "Random Forest")
## Preparation of a new explainer is initiated
##   -> model label       :  Random Forest 
##   -> data              :  2207  rows  8  cols 
##   -> target variable   :  2207  values 
##   -> predict function  :  yhat.randomForest  will be used (  default  )
##   -> predicted values  :  No value for predict function target column. (  default  )
##   -> model_info        :  package randomForest , ver. , task classification (  default  ) 
##   -> model_info        :  Model info detected classification task but 'y' is a logical . Converted to numeric.  (  NOTE  )
##   -> predicted values  :  numerical, min =  0 , mean =  0.2353095 , max =  1  
##   -> residual function :  difference between y and yhat (  default  )
##   -> residuals         :  numerical, min =  -0.892 , mean =  0.0868473 , max =  1  
##   A new explainer has been created!

Package: lime

Fit model:


# lime model
model_type.dalex_explainer <- DALEXtra::model_type.dalex_explainer
predict_model.dalex_explainer <- DALEXtra::predict_model.dalex_explainer

lime_johnny <- predict_surrogate(explainer = titanic_rf_exp, 
                  new_observation = johnny_d, 
                  n_features = 3, 
                  n_permutations = 1000,
                  type = "lime")
model_type case model_r2 model_intercept model_prediction feature feature_value feature_weight feature_desc data prediction
regression 1 0.613 0.557 0.481 gender 2 -0.395 gender = male 2, 8, 1, 4, 72, 0, 0 0.422
regression 1 0.613 0.557 0.481 age 8 0.173 age <= 22 2, 8, 1, 4, 72, 0, 0 0.422
regression 1 0.613 0.557 0.481 class 1 0.146 class = 1st 2, 8, 1, 4, 72, 0, 0 0.422

Interpretable equation:

\[ \hat p_{lime} = 0.557 - 0.395 \cdot 1_{male} + 0.173 \cdot 1_{age <= 22} + 0.146 \cdot 1_{class = 1st}=0.481, \] Plot lime model:


Package: localModel


# localModel build
locMod_johnny <- predict_surrogate(explainer = titanic_rf_exp, 
                  new_observation = johnny_d, 
                  size = 1000,
                  seed = 1,
                  type = "localModel")
estimated variable original_variable
0.235 (Model mean)
0.619 (Intercept)
-0.402 gender = male gender
0.120 age <= 15.36 age
0.156 class = 1st, 2nd, deck crew class
-0.003 embarked = Belfast, Southampton embarked

Plot to explain how continuous age variable was dichotomized:

# plot
plot_interpretable_feature(locMod_johnny, "age")

Glass-box explanation plot for Johnny D:


Package: iml


# model using iml pacakge
iml_johnny <- predict_surrogate(explainer = titanic_rf_exp, 
                  new_observation = johnny_d, 
                  k = 3, 
                  type = "iml",
beta x.recoded effect x.original feature .class
0.199 1 0.199 1st class=1st yes
-1.601 1 -1.601 male gender=male yes
0.000 72 0.015 72 fare yes


  • continuous variables are not transformed
  • categorical variables dichotomized with value 1 for observed category; otherwise 0

Glass-box explanation plot for Johnny D:


The age, gender and class are correlated, and may partially explain why explanations are somewhat different across various LIME implementations.