8.2 Signalling conditions

8.2.1 Types of conditions

Three types of conditions:

  • Errors. Problem arose, and the function cannot continue.
  • ⚠️ Warnings. Problem arose, but the function can continue, if only partially.
  • 💬 Messages. Something happened, and the user should know.

8.2.2 ❌ Errors

How to throw errors

# with base R
stop("... in the name of love...")
#> Error: ... in the name of love...

# with rlang
rlang::abort("...before you break my heart...")
#> Error:
#> ! ...before you break my heart...

# with base R; without call
stop("... think it o-o-over...", call. = FALSE)
#> Error: ... think it o-o-over...

Composing error messages

  • Mechanics.
    • stop() pastes together arguments
some_val <- 1
stop("Your value is: ", some_val, call. = FALSE)
#> Error: Your value is: 1
  • abort() requires {glue}
some_val <- 1
rlang::abort(glue::glue("Your value is: {some_val}"))
#> Error:
#> ! Your value is: 1

8.2.3 ⚠️ Warnings

May have multiple warnings per call

warn <- function() {
  warning("This is your first warning")
  warning("This is your second warning")
  warning("This is your LAST warning")

Print all warnings once call is complete.

#> Warning in warn(): This is your first warning
#> Warning in warn(): This is your second warning
#> Warning in warn(): This is your LAST warning

Like errors, warning() has

  • a call argument
  • an {rlang} analog
# base R
# ... with call (implicitly .call = TRUE)
#> Warning: Warning
# ... with call suppressed
warning("Warning", call. = FALSE)
#> Warning: Warning

# rlang
# note: call suppressed by default
#> Warning: Warning

(Hadley’s) advice on usage:

  • Err on the side of errors. In other words, error rather than warn.
  • But warnings make sense in a few cases:
    • Function is being deprecated. Warn that it is reaching end of life.
    • Function is reasonably sure to recover from issue.

8.2.4 💬 Messages


  • Issued immediately
  • Do not have a call argument


Messages are best when they inform about:

  • Default arguments
  • Status updates of for functions used primarily for side-effects (e.g., interaction with web API, file downloaded, etc.)
  • Progress of long-running process (in the absence of a status bar).
  • Package loading message (e.g., attaching package, objects masked)