10.12 Function factories + functionals

Combine functionals and function factories to turn data into many functions.

names <- list(
  square = 2, 
  cube = 3, 
  root = 1/2, 
  cuberoot = 1/3, 
  reciprocal = -1
funs <- purrr::map(names, power1)
#> [1] "square"     "cube"       "root"       "cuberoot"   "reciprocal"
#> [1] 8
#> [1] 9

Avoid the prefix with

  • with() - with(funs, root(100))
    • Temporary, clear, short-term
  • attach() - attach(funs) / detach(funs)
    • Added to search path (like package function), cannot be overwritten, but can be attached multiple times!
  • rlang::env_bind - env_bind(globalenv(), !!!funs) / env_unbind(gloablenv(), names(funs))
    • Added to global env (like created function), can be overwritten