22.16 Meeting Videos

22.16.1 Cohort 1

22.16.2 Cohort 2

22.16.3 Cohort 3

22.16.4 Cohort 4

22.16.5 Cohort 5

22.16.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:12:43    Trevin Flickinger:  Hello everyone!
00:13:03    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Hello, Good evening!!!
00:22:10    Trevin Flickinger:  My connection is slow so I’ll be in the chat
00:32:45    Trevin Flickinger:  If you start with “continue” it should error out after the first call
00:56:18    Trevin Flickinger:  Sys.frame(-1) shows it goes back one frame
00:59:55    fg: thanks
01:03:11    Arthur Shaw:    Anyone else lose the presentation?
01:03:20    fg: yes
01:03:22    fg: ?
01:04:26    Trevin Flickinger:  I thought that was my internet connection
01:05:07    Trevin Flickinger:  Thank you!
01:08:42    Trevin Flickinger:  I need to use debug( ) more as well
01:10:15    Trevin Flickinger:  21st works for me
01:10:29    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Same here!!!

22.16.7 Cohort 7