1.4 Meeting Videos

1.4.1 Cohort 1

(no video recorded)

1.4.2 Cohort 2

1.4.3 Cohort 3

1.4.4 Cohort 4

1.4.5 Cohort 5

1.4.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:14:40    SriRam: From Toronto, Civil Engineer. I use R for infrastructure planning/ GIS. Here coz of the ping 😄 , was not ready with a good computer with mic/audio !
00:15:20    SriRam: I was with Ryan, Federica on other courses
00:23:21    SriRam: I think the only caution is about Copyright issues
00:31:32    Ryan Metcalf:   Citation, giving credit back to source. Great comment SriRam.
00:34:33    SriRam: one = one, in my opinion
00:41:53    Ryan Metcalf:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_WFY82UxAdvP4GUdZ2luh15quwdO1n0Km3Q0tfYuqvc/edit#gid=0
00:48:35    Arthur Shaw:    The README has a nice step-by-step process at the bottom: https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-advr#how-to-present. I've not done this myself yet, but it looks fairly straightforward.
00:54:13    lucus w:    Thanks Ryan. Probably {usethis} will be easier. It looks straight forward
01:00:02    Moria W.:   Thank you for sharing that. This has been good!
01:00:08    Vaibhav Janve:  Thank you
01:00:44    Federica Gazzelloni:    hi SriRam we are going..

1.4.7 Cohort 7

Meeting chat log
00:20:42    collinberke:    https://rich-iannone.github.io/pointblank/
00:27:36    Ryan Honomichl: brb
00:37:05    collinberke:    https://rstudio.github.io/renv/articles/renv.html
00:51:52    Ryan Honomichl: gotta sign off I'll be ready to lead chapter 2 next week!
00:52:43    collinberke:    https://r4ds.had.co.nz/iteration.html
00:59:44    collinberke:    https://mastering-shiny.org/action-tidy.html
01:00:12    collinberke:    https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles/programming.html
01:05:02    collinberke:    https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/create_from_github.html
01:05:53    collinberke:    https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-advr
01:06:28    Ron:    I gotta run ,  fun conversation, and nice to meet you Matthew !