14.3 Constructing an R6 class, the basics

  • Really simple to do, just use the R6::R6Class() function.
Accumulator <- R6Class("Accumulator", list(
  sum = 0,
  add = function(x = 1) {
    self$sum <- self$sum + x
  • Two important arguments:
    1. classname - A string used to name the class (not needed but suggested)
    2. public - A list of methods (functions) and fields (anything else)
  • Suggested style conventions to follow:
    • Class name should follow UpperCamelCase.
    • Methods and fields should use snake_case.
    • Always assign the result of a R6Class() into a variable with the same name as the class.
  • You can use self$ to access methods and fields of the current object.