7.2 Meeting Videos

7.2.1 Cohort 1

7.2.2 Cohort 2

7.2.3 Cohort 3

7.2.4 Cohort 4

7.2.5 Cohort 5

7.2.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:08:41    Arthur Shaw:    Hello, everyone!
00:21:31    Federica Gazzelloni:    ?walk: Apply a function to each element of a list or atomic vector
00:23:15    Federica Gazzelloni:    ?caller_env: Get properties of the current or caller frame
00:24:56    Trevin: purrr::walk(x, function(x, ce, ace = rlang::caller_env()) {
  .ce <- rlang::caller_env()
  message("Internal: ")
  message("Argument: ")
  message("External: ")
  message("Internal: ",paste0(ls(.ce), collapse = "\n"))
  message("Argument: ",paste0(ls(ace), collapse = "\n"))
  message("External: ",paste0(ls(ce), collapse = "\n"))
}, ce = rlang::caller_env())
00:29:39    Federica Gazzelloni:    ??iwalk: Apply a function to each element of a vector, and its index
00:35:30    Arthur Shaw:    https://magrittr.tidyverse.org/reference/tee.html
00:36:05    Federica Gazzelloni:    ?`%T>%`
00:46:59    Trevin: ?eval
01:06:03    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/withr/index.html
01:09:21    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://github.com/r-lib/withr
01:10:38    Trevin: I'm okay if we meet next week
01:10:53    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  I am ok with next week

7.2.7 Cohort 7

Meeting chat log
00:06:49    Ryan Honomichl: https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-Advanced_R/QandA/docs/environments.html
Meeting chat log
00:14:44    collinberke:    https://ivelasq.rbind.io/blog/macos-rig/index.html
00:21:10    collinberke:    https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/blob/main/NAMESPACE
01:00:21    collinberke:    https://r4ds.hadley.nz/iteration.html