6.7 Meeting Videos

6.7.1 Cohort 1

6.7.2 Cohort 2

6.7.3 Cohort 3

6.7.4 Cohort 4

6.7.5 Cohort 5

6.7.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:01:11    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Hi, Good evening
00:01:22    Federica Gazzelloni:    Hello!
00:43:19    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-Advanced_R/QandA/docs/welcome.html
00:52:48    Priyanka:   sounds good actually
00:52:59    Federica Gazzelloni:    👍🏻
Meeting chat log
00:09:30    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Hi, Good evening
00:10:41    Federica Gazzelloni:    Hi
00:14:40    Federica Gazzelloni:    that's great!
00:54:24    Trevin: Also, sorry if you are repeating 🙂
00:54:52    Arthur Shaw:    @ryan, thank you so much for the awesome synthesis! Could you share your reference list? I'd love to dive more deeply into the material you presented.
00:57:02    Ryan Metcalf:   https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-lang.pdf
00:59:32    Trevin: https://github.com/COHHIO/RmData
01:01:48    Ryan Metcalf:   https://mastering-shiny.org/
01:02:02    Ryan Metcalf:   https://engineering-shiny.org/
01:02:15    Arthur Shaw:    @trevin, if you get bored with beepr, move to BRRR ;)
01:02:16    Arthur Shaw:    https://github.com/brooke-watson/BRRR
01:09:27    Ryan Metcalf:   This is amazing Trevin! I'll take a closer look. Is it ok to reach out to you with any questions?
01:09:43    Trevin: Yeah, feel free to reach out
Meeting chat log
00:05:34    Trevin: I didn't catch that
00:06:02    priyanka gagneja:   i won't be presenting I said .. so you two have the stage
00:08:39    Federica Gazzelloni:    no worries
00:08:46    Federica Gazzelloni:    next time you do it
00:08:56    Federica Gazzelloni:    did you sign up?
00:09:45    Trevin: Discord is free: https://discord.gg/rstudioconf2022
00:10:04    Trevin: Free stream link: https://www.rstudio.com/conference/stream
00:24:32    Arthur Shaw:    Maybe silly question: is the magrittr pipe an infix function?
00:32:15    Trevin: https://colinfay.me/playing-r-infix-functions/
00:33:23    Arthur Shaw:    Maybe another example of an infix function: lubridate's `%within%`
00:33:47    Trevin: That's a good one too ^
00:33:55    priyanka gagneja:   yes within would be good.
00:40:13    Arthur Shaw:    no
00:49:50    Arthur Shaw:    Sorry for dropping in and out. My WiFi router is having issues today--maybe is failing.
01:08:59    Trevin: Looking forward to it 🙂

6.7.7 Cohort 7

Meeting chat log
00:31:54    Ronald Legere:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-class_function
00:42:55    Ronald Legere:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immediately_invoked_function_expression
Meeting chat log
00:54:02    Ron:    Book gives this simple example of when you might want to use prefix form of an infix operator: lapply(list(1:3, 4:5), `+`, 3)
00:56:49    collinberke:    https://colinfay.me/playing-r-infix-functions/#:~:text=What%20are%20infix%20functions%3F,%2C%20%2B%20%2C%20and%20so%20on.
01:07:36    Ron:    x[3] <- 33
01:07:51    Ron:    `[<-`(x,3,value =33)