18.1 Introduction

To compute on the language, we first need to understand its structure.

  • This requires a few things:
    • New vocabulary.
    • New tools to inspect and modify expressions.
    • Approach the use of the language with new ways of thinking.
  • One of the first new ways of thinking is the distinction between an operation and its result.
y <- x * 10
#> Error in x * 10: non-numeric argument to binary operator
  • We can capture the intent of the code without executing it using the rlang package.
z <- rlang::expr(y <- x * 10)

#> y <- x * 10
  • We can then evaluate the expression using the base::eval function.
x <- 4

base::eval(expr(y <- x * 10))

#> [1] 40

18.1.1 Evaluating multiple expressions

  • We can write multiple expressions at once and it acts similar to source().

  • expression() returns a vector and can be passed to eval().

eval(expression(x <- 4, x * 10))
#> [1] 40

exprs() does not and has to be used in a loop

for (i in exprs(x <- 4, x * 10)) {
#> x <- 4
#> [1] 4
#> x * 10
#> [1] 40