24.8 Avoiding copies

  • Whenever you use c(), append(), cbind(), rbind(), or paste() to create a bigger object, R must first allocate space for the new object and then copy the old object to its new home.
random_string <- function() {
  paste(sample(letters, 50, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
strings10 <- replicate(10, random_string())
strings100 <- replicate(100, random_string())
collapse <- function(xs) {
  out <- ""
  for (x in xs) {
    out <- paste0(out, x)
  loop10  = collapse(strings10),
  loop100 = collapse(strings100),
  vec10   = paste(strings10, collapse = ""),
  vec100  = paste(strings100, collapse = ""),
  check = FALSE
)[c("expression", "min", "median", "itr/sec", "n_gc")]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   expression      min   median `itr/sec`
#>   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl>
#> 1 loop10      20.16µs   21.2µs    46149.
#> 2 loop100    526.72µs 541.13µs     1848.
#> 3 vec10        3.59µs   3.81µs   255356.
#> 4 vec100      22.26µs  22.55µs    43076.