14.24 Meeting Videos

14.24.1 Cohort 1

14.24.2 Cohort 2

14.24.3 Cohort 3

14.24.4 Cohort 4

14.24.5 Cohort 5

14.24.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:11:34    Trevin: https://engineering-shiny.org/common-app-caveats.html?q=R6#using-r6-as-data-storage
00:39:36    Federica Gazzelloni:    new R7: https://rconsortium.github.io/OOP-WG/
00:40:04    Federica Gazzelloni:    R7 designed to be a successor to S3 and S4
00:40:40    Federica Gazzelloni:    R6: https://r6.r-lib.org/articles/Introduction.html
00:52:44    Trevin: https://advanced-r-solutions.rbind.io/r6.html#controlling-access
01:00:34    Federica Gazzelloni:    interesting: https://r-craft.org/r-news/object-oriented-programming-oop-in-r-with-r6-the-complete-guide/
01:01:58    Trevin: https://hadley.shinyapps.io/cran-downloads/
01:02:33    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Thank you !!!

14.24.7 Cohort 7

Meeting chat log
00:06:57    Ron Legere: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.12712
00:07:07    Ron Legere: ^^ shows some of the power and limitations
00:39:41    collinberke:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GEFd8rZQgY&list=WL&index=11
00:49:20    iPhone: Sorry fellas need to jump early. See you next week!
01:05:21    collinberke:    https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-advr
01:09:30    Ron Legere: makeActiveBinding