9.3 purrr style

mtcars |> 
  map(head, 20) |> # pull first 20 of each column
  map_dbl(mean) |> # mean of each vector
#>       mpg       cyl      disp        hp      drat        wt 
#>  20.13000   6.20000 233.93000 136.20000   3.54500   3.39845

An example from tidytuesday

tt <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load("2020-06-30")

# filter data & exclude columns with lost of nulls
list_df <- 
    .x = tt[1:3], 
    .f = 
      ~ .x |> 
      filter(issue <= 152 | issue > 200) |> 
      mutate(timeframe = ifelse(issue <= 152, "first 5 years", "last 5 years")) |> 
      select_if(~mean(is.na(.x)) < 0.2) 

# write to global environment
  .x = list_df,
  .f = ~ assign(x = .y, value = .x, envir = globalenv())