4.5 Meeting Videos

4.5.1 Cohort 1

4.5.2 Cohort 2

4.5.3 Cohort 3

4.5.4 Cohort 4

4.5.5 Cohort 5

4.5.6 Cohort 6

Meeting chat log
00:36:02    Arthur Shaw:    TIL that the subset operator has parameters. Thanks, Trevin!
00:38:55    Vaibhav Janve:  its interesting that carriage "a" has two set of wheels instread of 4. I wonder that choice is because its atomic.
00:40:44    Arthur Shaw:    @Vaibhav, because the load is lighter, the carriage needs fewer axles? ;)  I agree: it's a confusing graphical choice.
00:41:11    Vaibhav Janve:  lol
01:05:53    Vaibhav Janve:  Thank you Trevin!

4.5.7 Cohort 7

Meeting chat log
00:40:18    Ryan Honomichl: What type of vector does each of the following calls to ifelse() return?

* "ifelse returns a value with the same shape as test which is filled with elements selected from either yes or no depending on whether the element of test is TRUE or FALSE."
00:42:11    Ryan Honomichl: "I recommend assigning the results of an if statement only when the entire expression fits on one line; otherwise it tends to be hard to read"
00:42:46    Ryan Honomichl: * When you use the single argument form without an `else` statement, `if` invisibly returns NULL if the condition is FALSE. 

-   Since functions like c() and paste() drop NULL inputs, this allows for a compact expression of certain idioms
00:54:15    collinberke:    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ScrbEw_-vB9DruaJhjtVY8HLQmuNPqyWeOOjmG6OY1M/edit?usp=sharing
00:58:46    collinberke:    https://www.youtube.com/@safe4democracy/videos