25.10 Workflow commands

  • The following are common commands to perform the previously discussed workflow in a terminal.

  • git has many commands, each having multiple options to modify behavior.

25.10.1 Get Remote Repo/Update Local Repo

  • git clone <repo url> (only needs to be run once*): pulls files into a directory (file)
  • git pull: retrieves changes from the remote repo

25.10.2 View info about local files

  • git branch: see what branch you are on locally.
  • git status: see what files have changed locally.
  • git diff: see specific changes in the files.

25.10.3 Stage and document changes

  • git checkout <branch name>: change your branch if needed.
  • git add <file name>: stage the file for documentation.
  • git add -i: interactive module for staging. Great for when you have lots of files to commit.
  • git commit: opens text editor to document changes.
    • If vim opens: Press i (insert) >> add your subject line >> draft your message >> Esc >> :+x >> Enter.
  • git commit -m <message>: Short version for drafting commit messages.

25.10.4 Push changes to remote repository

  • git push: push changes to remote repo (GitHub)