3.12 Meeting Videos

3.12.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:08:22    Russ Hyde:  Hi Everyone
00:14:31    Russ Hyde:  The chapter numbers have actually changed; so this week is chapter 3 (according to the current website). The preface is now unnumbered
00:23:13    Russ Hyde:  Discussion of persistence of user sessions.
00:23:18    Robert Overman: https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/reconnecting.html this says something about it
00:25:21    shamsuddeen:    In the past, users of Shiny applications would get disconnected from the server and see the browser window “gray out” if the network connection was interrupted, even if it was just briefly. This could frustrate and confuse users, and it could lead to the impression that the application was unstable, when in fact the problem was the network connection.

To improve the user experience, we’ve made changes in Shiny Server (Pro and Open Source) 1.4.7, RStudio Connect 1.5.10, and in Shiny 0.14 to allow a Shiny client to seamlessly reconnect to the server even when there is disruption of network service.
00:31:30    shamsuddeen:    Imperative code is assertive; declarative code is passive-aggressive.
00:42:13    Russ Hyde:  https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/DiagrammeR/index.html
00:44:15    Russ Hyde:  https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/reactlog/index.html
01:03:19    Russ Hyde:  Great. Thanks for covering such a lot of content
01:07:56    shamsuddeen:    Ok, thank you all. I had to attend another meeting now. See you next.

3.12.2 Cohort 2

3.12.3 Cohort 3

3.12.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:25:18    Trevin Flickinger:  spelling
00:30:58    Trevin Flickinger:  DSLC - “You should consider writing a function whenever you’ve copied and pasted a block of code more than twice (i.e. you now have three copies of the same code).”
00:31:04    Trevin Flickinger:  https://r4ds.had.co.nz/functions.html#when-should-you-write-a-function
00:33:56    Matthew Efoli:  ()
00:34:01    Matthew Efoli:  {}
00:39:15    Trevin Flickinger:  “Note that the {} are only required in render functions if need to run multiple lines of code. As you’ll learn shortly, you should do as little computation in your render functions as possible, which means you can often omit them.”
00:39:23    Trevin Flickinger:  https://mastering-shiny.org/basic-ui.html?q=multiple%20lines#text
00:59:15    Trevin Flickinger:  I think it depends on what you want to do as well, but just R/Shiny will let you do pretty much anything
01:07:46    Trevin Flickinger:  I need to head out, thanks @Matthew

3.12.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log
00:00:21    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Hi Jim
00:00:31    jim rothstein:  hi
00:00:49    Wyclife Oluoch: Hi Jim?
00:01:34    jim rothstein:  Today is chapter 4 - Case Study ER?
00:02:24    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Yes
00:02:56    Wyclife Oluoch: No, it is Chapter 3
00:03:23    Mateo Vega: Can anyone hear me?
00:04:35    Mateo Vega: im sorry i dont know what is going on with my mic
00:04:38    Mateo Vega: its not working
00:05:15    Mateo Vega: Yes, I can hear you!
00:05:45    Mateo Vega: sorry about that, I think we can start the presentation
00:05:58    Mateo Vega: start
00:11:54    jim rothstein:  So the server is responsible for handling multiple 'sessions"   right?
00:12:16    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Yes
00:14:08    jim rothstein:  Good example .. where does the money emerge?  haha
00:20:22    jim rothstein:  Is it the BROWSER that talks to SERVER?   Or is something running in the BROWSER?
00:25:47    jim rothstein:  Is this same as "EVENT" driven programming?   Nothing happens till there is an "EVENT" ?
00:30:53    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  the output ID
00:36:09    Ahmed:  Jim I think it quite similar but, it triggers automatically when any change happened in the inputs by users with the minimum needed dependency that it needs to run the shiny app.
00:37:45    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  https://rstudio.github.io/reactlog/
00:42:37    jim rothstein:  @Ahmed @Oluwafemi  - thanks.    I need to think about it some more ...   To me seems to trigger on some kind of event, or change in state, sort of like spreadsheet.
01:08:36    Wyclife Oluoch: https://navaak.shinyapps.io/agriSuitNew/
01:08:41    Ahmed:  Thanks a lot Wyclife for this very interesting presentation.
01:08:47    Mateo Vega: stop
01:08:50    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Thank you
01:08:59    Wyclife Oluoch: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969719336071