22.5 Conclusions:
Securing an app might require some extra work around all the information available as well as all the extra available packages and functions that can be used for authenticating and avoid the wrongful combination of functions/commands.
This might be the case for apps containing sensitive information or for those one letting the users access restricted data.
22.5.1 Resources:
- SecuringShiny
- shinypassword
- Run as the authenticated user
- Securing Deployed Content
- Kerberos
- Kerberos with RStudio Pro Products
- Kerberos Authentication
- shinyapps.io security and compliance
- How does cryptography work?
Extra Packages:
- config on github
- auth0
- shinymanager
- keyring tips on how to use it storing sets of encrypted credentials in a local file
- rstudioapi
- secrets or cyphr packages for github secrets
- testthat
- sodium for cryptography
- rtweet rtweet more reading
- shinyauthr