20.5 Meeting Videos

20.5.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:16:10    Russ Hyde:  Hi everyone
00:25:15    Robert Overman: In the past the app itself had to be put into the inst folder of the package
00:27:41    Robert Overman: So now being able to put it into the R folder makes things a lot easier, than having to do the odd reference back to runapp having it find the source file location to pull the server and ui
00:37:53    Jonathan Trattner:  https://github.com/jdtrat/shinysurveys

20.5.2 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:46:57    Brendan Lam:    Your tutorial was helpful, thanks!

20.5.3 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:33:30    Lydia Gibson:   Hello
00:34:25    Trevin Flickinger:  start
00:50:01    Trevin Flickinger:  “Using @import is not generally considered best practice, but it makes sense here”
01:07:08    Lydia Gibson:   Need to drop for another meeting. See you next week
01:08:22    Trevin Flickinger:  Lydia dropped off the call
01:16:21    Trevin Flickinger:  stop

20.5.4 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log