5.15 Meeting Videos

5.15.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:04:01    Russ Hyde:  Hi Everyone. Welcome to this weeks bookclub meeting.
00:05:43    Diamantis Sellis:   Hi, thanks for organizing!
00:05:52    docksbox@pm.me: Hello!
00:07:45    Russ Hyde:  So. Shamsudeen should be presenting today.
00:12:21    Russ Hyde:  Hi everyone. Are you able to hear Shamsuddeen ok?
00:12:27    priyanka gagneja:   yes
00:12:31    Anne Hoffrichter:   yes
00:12:32    Diamantis Sellis:   yes
00:15:27    Jessica Mukiri: Hey have you just stared or the daylight savings taken effect yet?
00:17:28    Kent J: DST started on Sunday morning in Boston.
00:42:35    Russ Hyde:  Is it options(shiny.fullstacktrace = TRUE)?
00:42:41    Russ Hyde:  https://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/1.1.0/shiny-options.html
00:43:48    Russ Hyde:  There's an example herer: https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/debugging.html
01:08:13    Jessica Mukiri: Thanks everyone, have a good week.

5.15.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat logs
# 2021-08-25
01:06:57    Kevin:  pointblank pkg

00:12:41    Conor Tompkins: Is Kevin’s volume low for anyone else?
00:12:43    shane:  Kevin are you able to bring your mic volume up a little?
00:12:45    shane:  yeah
01:05:45    Kevin Gilds:    https://twitter.com/EmilyRiederer/status/1430882791806410753?s=20

5.15.3 Cohort 3

5.15.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:25:38    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAM REZ:  all good
00:26:05    Trevin Flickinger:  https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/200711853-Keyboard-Shortcuts-in-the-RStudio-IDE
00:26:20    Lydia Gibson:   Hello
00:30:43    Matthew Efoli:  https://appsilon.com/r-studio-shortcuts-and-tips-part-2/#:~:text=It%20is%20achieved%20by%20selecting,but%20it%20can%20be%20helpful.
00:43:33    Trevin Flickinger:  https://adv-r.hadley.nz/debugging.html
00:57:18    Trevin Flickinger:  https://wizardzines.com/zines/debugging-guide/
01:07:03    Trevin Flickinger:  https://www.rstudio.com/resources/rstudioconf-2020/object-of-type-closure-is-not-subsettable/
01:07:20    Lydia Gibson:   Thank you!
01:08:39    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAM REZ:  thank you
01:09:17    Trevin Flickinger:  I’m good with that
01:09:28    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAM REZ:  works for me
01:09:42    Trevin Flickinger:  I think most DSLC book clubs are on a two week break
01:10:44    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAM REZ:  happy new year then :)
01:10:55    Trevin Flickinger:  Happy new year all!

5.15.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log