6.8 Meeting Videos

6.8.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:05:16    Maya Longhi:    Hello
00:12:32    Russ Hyde:  Hi
00:13:03    Russ Hyde:  I'm just checking my screen share looks OK. Could you tell me if you can read the text on my rstudio instance
00:14:30    Russ Hyde:  Is the text too pale?
00:14:46    Morgan Grovenburg:  No, I can read it
00:14:53    Russ Hyde:  Thanks
00:16:45    Morgan Grovenburg:  I couldn't figure out how to use `bslib::bs_theme_preview()`, will you be showing that today?
00:17:50    Russ Hyde:  I can do if you like
00:19:48    Morgan Grovenburg:  Yes, please! Really, I just need see code that runs it
00:30:02    Layla Bouzoubaa:    @sham, There’s a JavaScript for R book!
00:30:21    shamsuddeen:    Oh, yah Layla
00:30:24    shamsuddeen:    Thanks
00:30:31    Layla Bouzoubaa:    https://book.javascript-for-r.com/
00:30:32    Morgan Grovenburg:  https://book.javascript-for-r.com/
00:38:15    Federica G: line has gone ?!
00:38:26    Diamantis:  lost the sound but still can see the shared screen
01:05:55    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Sham, Bootstrap is a framework that combines html/js/css that can customized
01:06:06    shamsuddeen:    ok
01:06:11    shamsuddeen:    Thanks Layla
01:07:00    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Like the buttons and stuff in shiny are following bootstrap guidelines (ie the shape, look etc) but you can customize them
01:07:12    shamsuddeen:    ok
01:08:39    Layla Bouzoubaa:    I just discovered this book btw: https://engineering-shiny.org/ . Ch.18.3.3 talks about external css files that may clarify your question on adding “www/“, sham
01:17:51    shamsuddeen:    Oh, Thanks Layla. I got it
01:21:47    Federica G: Thanks !
01:22:27    shamsuddeen:    Thanks
01:22:38    Morgan Grovenburg:  Thank you Russ!
01:24:22    Anne Hoffrichter:   Thanks Russ!

6.8.2 Cohort 2

Meeting #1 video:

Meeting #1 chat log
00:07:02    shane:  one sec, dog wants to go see his mom ha
00:07:32    shane:  Kevin, your volume is a little low like it was last week
01:06:06    shane:  team, I unfortunately have to drop. Thank you everyone for the discussion, and thanks to Ryan for presenting and for the great info! If we do end up bleeding into a second session on this, I would definitely be down to be there. Have a great evening!

Meeting #2 video:

Meeting #2 chat log
00:21:58    shane:  https://rstudio.github.io/thematic/
00:25:03    Collin Berke:   https://bootswatch.com/
00:28:50    Conor Tompkins: "This works because, at plot time, thematic grabs CSS styles from the plot(s) HTML container (via shiny::getCurrentOutputInfo())1 and uses that info to set new R styling defaults."
00:28:56    Conor Tompkins: From https://rstudio.github.io/thematic/articles/auto.html#shiny
00:31:15    Collin Berke:   Not sure how this relates, but here is the link to the `theme_set()` function I referenced: https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/theme_get.html
00:46:41    Collin Berke:   You can also see the object here: https://gallery.shinyapps.io/095-plot-interaction-advanced/
00:50:48    Collin Berke:   Here's some more about subsetting list objects. Check out this chapter from Advanced R: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/subsetting.html
01:13:14    Ryan Metcalf:   https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1115145

6.8.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:17:24    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   Current deployed slide deck: https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-mshiny/layout-themes-html.html
00:36:58    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   https://revealjs.com/
01:04:33    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   what is the function cat() doing?
01:10:53    Federica Gazzelloni:    cat {base}: Concatenate and Print
01:11:12    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   Great, thanks! :)
01:11:34    Federica Gazzelloni:    It outputs the objects, concatenating the representations.
01:13:06    Brendan Lam:    I'm also good either way

6.8.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:11:49    Lydia Gibson:   I'm having issues with zoom. I'll have to join from my laptop
00:13:15    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAMÍREZ:  do i start now?
00:42:25    Trevin Flickinger:  Here for more about the customizer: https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/bslib.html#real-time
00:42:42    Lydia Gibson:   Thank you!
01:03:16    Trevin Flickinger:  Yes, thank you!
01:03:22    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAMÍREZ:  thank you
01:03:58    LUCIO ENRIQUE CORNEJO RAMÍREZ:  bye, thanks

6.8.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log