3.9 Controlling timing of evaluation

3.9.1 Timed invalidation

How - using reactiveTimer()

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  timer <- reactiveTimer(500)
  x1 <- reactive({
    rpois(input$n, input$lambda1)
  x2 <- reactive({
    rpois(input$n, input$lambda2)
  output$hist <- renderPlot({
    freqpoly(x1(), x2(), binwidth = 1, xlim = c(0, 40))
  }, res = 96)

Diagram taken from the book

3.9.2 On click

How - using actionButton(), eventReactive()

## UI excluded to save space, but it contains the `actionButton()` input
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  x1 <- eventReactive(input$simulate, {
    rpois(input$n, input$lambda1)
  x2 <- eventReactive(input$simulate, {
    rpois(input$n, input$lambda2)

  output$hist <- renderPlot({
    freqpoly(x1(), x2(), binwidth = 1, xlim = c(0, 40))
  }, res = 96)

Diagram from book: