8.5 Meeting Videos

8.5.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:07:05    Russ Hyde:  Hello everyone. Welcome to the Mastering Shiny Bookclub for Chapter 7: Graphics
00:08:22    Andrew Bates:   https://engineering-shiny.org/
00:35:25    Russ Hyde:  For zooming into a ggplot in shiny: https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/plot-interaction-zoom.html
00:41:16    Layla Bouzoubaa:    It works better in my opinion than basic ggplot
00:41:20    Layla Bouzoubaa:    Since its interactive
00:41:49    Jessica Mukiri: https://plotly-r.com/

8.5.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:30:42    Ryan Metcalf:   https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shinyFeedback/shinyFeedback.pdf
00:37:14    Ryan Metcalf:   https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/req.html#:~:text=req%20is%20short%20for%20%E2%80%9Crequire,means)%2C%20it%20will%20stop.
00:37:21    Ryan Metcalf:   As you can see, dataset uses the req function, and the outputs don't do any checking. Unlike using return(NULL), when you use req to check your preconditions, a failure not only stops the current calculation (the dataset reactive expression, in this case) but also any callers on the call stack. In this case, if the user has not chosen a dataset, then output$plot and output$table both stop upon calling dataset().
00:52:54    Kevin Gilds:    https://tidydatabykwg57.shinyapps.io/ACLOlderAmericansProfile/

8.5.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:25:00    Christopher Maronga:    Can I use this technique{re() and validate} to limit the ranges of my user inputs, for instance numericInput() between allowable ranges?
00:28:59    Ryan Metcalf:   @Chris, for example: https://shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial/written-tutorial/lesson3/
00:29:29    Christopher Maronga:    thank you
00:31:04    Ryan Metcalf:   The example at the bottom (after you expand) shows a sliderInput with a min, max, and a initial entry. We can rap this into req() and force the system to receive a valid input otherwise provide a ShinyFeedback(). This can also work with a textual input or even with some from of upload. In essence, we can wrap the majority of our user input functions into this validation / feedback process.
00:50:45    Ryan Metcalf:   More information from BootStrap for Modal dialog: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/modal/
01:03:34    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YnFBY5nwSFoQuryPXtfmoguVbE4sIrjP_LhRLSZM8dc/edit?usp=sharing

8.5.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:09:12    Lydia Gibson:   Hi Lucio. Hi Matthew
00:09:21    Lucio Cornejo:  hello everyone
00:09:26    Lydia Gibson:   Hello Trevin
00:10:13    Trevin: Hi everyone!
00:42:55    Lydia Gibson:   That’s cool
00:47:27    Trevin: Thanks, I didn’t run those on my end
01:07:11    Lydia Gibson:   Thank you Lucio!
01:07:19    Matthew Efoli:  thank you lucio
01:07:25    Lucio Cornejo:  thank you :)
01:07:29    Lucio Cornejo:  see you all next week
01:07:38    Matthew Efoli:  I would go over the video again
01:07:41    Lydia Gibson:   Bye all
01:07:44    Lucio Cornejo:  bye, thanks

8.5.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log