16.5 Conclusions

To conclude the reactive section of the book, I’d like to highlight how to enable one of the features provided by Shiny: the reactive graph. The reactive graph can be activated with the following commands:

# reactlog::reactlog_enable() 

# or

# options(shiny.reactlog = TRUE)

Then you can access to it by clicking [Ctrl+F3] in Windows or [cmd + F3] in Mac while the app is running.

This feature lets you see the structure of the connections made by the app. To mind is the escaping the graphs status, generated by previous conditions, which the reactive graph doesn’t take into consideration. For this reason, the main suggestion is to keep the conditions not reckon by the reactive graph feature on a small scale and use dedicated functions such as isolate() in combination with the recursivity of the app.

In addition, the DiagrammeR package can be of help for you to see the missing piece of a connection in the structure, with the re-building of the reactive graph manually.

16.5.1 Resources:

Experimental packages designed to explore “higher order” reactivity:

More readings: