12.5 Meeting Videos

12.5.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:01:39    Russ Hyde:  Hi, am I audible?
00:09:57    Russ Hyde:  Is the connection OK for everyone?
00:09:59    priyanka gagneja:   I am not hearing you so well right now Robert
00:10:03    Andrew MacDonald:   I might be losing sound?
00:10:08    Diamantis:  I have sound issues, can't hear clearly
00:10:14    Andrew MacDonald:   ah seems to be just on Rob?
00:10:35    andrew bates:   I didn’t have sound. Had to call in.
00:11:00    Andrew MacDonald:   In the meantime I’d just like to say hello!
00:11:09    Andrew MacDonald:   This is my first time attending!
00:11:13    Russ Hyde:  Hello Andrews
00:11:16    andrew bates:   Welcome!
00:11:23    Andrew MacDonald:   we have an abundance of Andrews :)
00:11:43    andrew bates:   yeah!
00:12:01    Andrew MacDonald:   I’m an ecologist who develops some shiny apps on a contract — a complete convert to the Way of Golem & v excited for Colin’s appearance next week
00:12:48    Russ Hyde:  Cool. I'm really pleased we were able to get him to talk
00:13:07    priyanka gagneja:   Nice to have you Andrew
00:14:00    Russ Hyde:  Have any of you been attending the other bookclubs?
00:14:17    Andrew MacDonald:   (there are other book clubs?)
00:14:18    priyanka gagneja:   I do if my schedule allows
00:14:33    Anne Hoffrichter:   I was in Advanced R bc
00:14:38    priyanka gagneja:   Yes there are… and they are now increasing at crazy pace
00:14:41    andrew bates:   Shameless self advocacy: if they’re looking for more Shiny devs, I’m looking :)
00:15:00    Russ Hyde:  (ooo that was pretty neat)
00:15:46    Anne Hoffrichter:   nice, i didn’t know you can run a shiny app from an rmd chunk!
00:16:23    Andrew MacDonald:   that is a cool way to show this! I thought maybe that was the default from the group
00:17:00    Andrew MacDonald:   could I ask what is the typical format here? do we begin with a summary and then discuss, or do we ask questions during Rob’s description?
00:17:42    Russ Hyde:  Feel free to ask questions whenever.
00:19:55    Andrew MacDonald:   "foo" > 42
00:20:41    priyanka gagneja:   @anne - Yeah you can add shiny code inside a Rmd. When you add shiny code and save it , it shows a ‘Run Document’ option instead of Run App.
00:28:42    Andrew MacDonald:   okay I’ll be honest i’m just scared of <<-
00:29:06    priyanka gagneja:   Less than
00:29:13    Andrew MacDonald:   + 1 :)
00:31:51    Russ Hyde:  I try to avoid <<- as well.
00:32:08    docksbox@pm.me: Yes
00:32:14    priyanka gagneja:   Good point. So you mean as a crux of it , it would help the most for debugging ?
00:32:54    priyanka gagneja:   If so, I am ready to start using it then
00:33:11    Russ Hyde:  f <- function(){counts= 0; function(){counts <<- counts + 1; message(counts)}}
00:33:22    Russ Hyde:  g <- f(); g(); g()
00:33:45    Russ Hyde:  That should print 1 then 2
00:35:49    Russ Hyde:  This is a really neat way to debug
00:36:17    Russ Hyde:  (I meant Robert's example; not the hack I just posted)
00:37:01    Andrew MacDonald:   laptop battery died! I’m back :)
00:41:28    Andrew MacDonald:   tbh I strongly dislike the user-supplied data example! the word “data” is in there but i think it means.. three things? the input, the reactive expression, and the .data thing
00:42:18    Russ Hyde:  Haha, I just wrote a chapter about good-names in R programming. Calling your data 'data' is really not a good idea ...
00:42:42    Andrew MacDonald:   exactly!!!
00:47:10    priyanka gagneja:   Reminds me of days when I did parse eval :’(
00:51:13    Robert Overman: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/quasiquotation.html
00:52:15    Robert Overman: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lazyeval/vignettes/lazyeval.html
00:57:39    Andrew MacDonald:   very slick!!!
00:57:44    Andrew MacDonald:   (get it)
00:59:38    Russ Hyde:  select(df, A, B, C) vs d <- c("A", "B", "C"); select(df, !!!d)
00:59:41    Russ Hyde:  ?
01:00:28    priyanka gagneja:   aah
01:00:37    priyanka gagneja:   Yeah .. I think so .. named df
01:00:43    priyanka gagneja:   Named vector sorry
01:01:04    Anne Hoffrichter:   I gotta run, thanks Robert. See you all next week.
01:01:09    Robert Overman: final_colnames <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  new_nm = c(
  old_nm = c(
new_nm <- final_colnames$new_nm %>% unlist()
old_nm <- final_colnames$old_nm %>% unlist()
names(old_nm) <- new_nm

old_data <- data.frame(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)
old_data %>% select(!!!old_nm)
01:01:25    priyanka gagneja:   gotcha
01:01:35    Andrew MacDonald:   I must go as well — thank you everyone! nice to join this effort!
01:01:48    priyanka gagneja:   I recall I did this recently .. n I wasn’t sure why one worked n not other one.
01:05:34    shamsuddeen:    Thanks Robert
01:05:43    Andrew MacDonald:   yeah thanks Rob!

12.5.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
01:11:18    Ryan Metcalf:   https://databank.worldbank.org/reports.aspx?source=global-economic-prospects

12.5.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:55:54    Federica Gazzelloni:    VROOM: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/vroom/versions/1.0.2/topics/vroom
00:56:22    Federica Gazzelloni:    in practice: vroom: Read a delimited file into a tibble

12.5.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:04:15    Lucio Cornejo: .data[[some_columns]]
00:04:53    Lucio Cornejo: %>%
00:05:01    Lucio Cornejo: |>
00:08:19    Lucio Cornejo: Hello everyone
00:19:19    Trevin: More info on $ and [[
00:19:22    Trevin: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/subsetting.html#section-1
00:34:06    Lucio Cornejo: I have used, but it's kinda hacky
00:34:09    Lucio Cornejo: used it*
00:35:33    Trevin: Have not used parse + eval before
00:49:58    Lucio Cornejo: https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/blob/a8c14dab9623c984a66fcd4824d8d448afb151e7/R/update-input.R#L37:L42
00:52:03    Lucio Cornejo: bye, thank you

12.5.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log