4.10 Meeting Videos

4.10.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:13:23    Russ Hyde:  Hi all. Welcome to this week's Mastering Shiny talk
00:20:33    Matt C: What is the correlation between head injuries and toilets? Hm...
00:36:58    Morgan Grovenburg:  Very cool Dave!
00:37:07    priyanka gagneja:   awesome 
00:37:15    Federica Gazzelloni:    great
00:38:44    Robert Overman: https://www.jdtrat.com/packages/shinysurveys/
00:39:17    priyanka gagneja:   lol what a coincidence.. I have recently played with this pkg 
00:39:55    priyanka gagneja:   it's neat one .. so low cost to create a survey and then you can save the results in a Google sheet .. using googlsheets4 pkg 
00:43:44    priyanka gagneja:   rhandsontable
00:43:49    Federica Gazzelloni:    thanks
00:46:12    priyanka gagneja:   if you only looking to change the look of the table only russ, gt and kable could be useful 
00:46:25    priyanka gagneja:   and even reactable,  DT would be others 
00:46:36    shamsuddeen:    KableExtra is also cool
00:47:31    shamsuddeen:    https://github.com/haozhu233/kableExtra
00:49:58    priyanka gagneja:   https://rstudio.github.io/reactlog/articles/reactlog.html
00:57:03    Russ Hyde:  mutate(df, {{var}} := f({{var}}))
00:57:38    priyanka gagneja:   uhh noo
00:58:21    Robert Overman: I mean I have enough trouble remembering !!rlang::sym(x) remembering that this now works as {{x}} is going to make my head hurt
00:58:36    Arnab Dey (he/him): Thank you Dave, for an excellent presentation!!

4.10.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:11:36    Ryan Metcalf:   https://www.infoworld.com/article/3516150/create-a-shiny-app-to-search-twitter-with-rtweet-and-r.amp.html

4.10.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:15:13    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   I don't know yet but we can ask on the slack channel for more info!
00:15:25    Njoki Njuki Lucy:   so far so good.

4.10.4 Cohort 4

4.10.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log