2.4 Input 1 - Text & Numeric

Every output (in the UI) is coupled with a render (in the server).

ui <- fluidPage(
        ## Text Input ##
        textInput(inputId = "f_name", label = "First name?"),
        textInput(inputId = "name", placeholder = "What's your name?"),
        passwordInput(inputId = "password", label = "What's your password?"),
        textAreaInput(inputId = "story", 
                      label = "Tell me about yourself", 
                      rows = 3)

        ## Numeric inputs ##
        numericInput(inputId = "x",
                     label = "Dependent Variable", 
                     value = 10),
        sliderInput(inputID = "y_range", 
                    label =  "Range of Y:", 
                    value = c(10, 20), 
                    min = 0, 
                    max = 100)

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