10.1 When should you take a dependency?
This section is adapted from a blog post and talk by Jim Hester.
10.1.1 Dependencies are not equal
There is a cost associated with adding a dependency that make them not equal.
How can dependencies differ in cost:
- Type: base and recommended packages vs. non-CRAN repository packages
- Number of upstream dependencies: potentially large number of recursive dependencies
- Already fulfilled dependencies: lower costs to recursive dependencies and highly downloaded packages
- Install burden: compilation time, binary package size, system requirements
- Maintenance capacity: will the package maintainers keep up?
- Functionality: outsourcing broadly used functions saves you time
10.1.2 Prefer a holistic, balanced, and quantitative approach
Holistic: Who is the primary audience?
- useRs will likely have more dependencies installed than other developeRs
Balanced: the trade-off of adding a dependency (install time, disk space, maintenance) comparted to removing a dependency (fewer features, more development by you)
Quantitative: use packages like itdepends and pak to quantify how “heavy” a dependency is
10.1.3 Dependency thoughts specific to the tidyverse
- Never depend on tidyverse or devtools. Instead depend on the specific package that implements the desired functionality.
- tidyverse and devtools have large recursive dependencies (\(\geq 100\))
- Free (low-level) tidy dependences include:
- rlang
- cli and glue
- withr
- lifecycle
- R CMD check throws a note for including more than 20 “non-default” package dependencies
10.1.4 Whether to Import or Suggest Imports
- Must be present at runtime
- Automatically installs missing packages when your package is installed
checks too- Installed but not attached; to attach, use
within package
tidyr Suggests
- Your package can use these packages, but doesn’t require them
- “Isn’t terribly relevant for packages where the user base is approximately equal to the development team”
- Does not automatically install missing packages when your package is installed
- Add for development tasks or to unlock additional functionality (run tests, build vignettes / examples) or rarely needed packages or tricky packages