00:25:44 Ryan Metcalf: Mac: Opt->Shift->k
00:32:09 Ryan Metcalf: The first link wasn’t credible. There is a `{changer}` additional add in, that may aid in naming convention change. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/changer/changer.pdf
00:34:36 Isabella Velásquez: here’s an article (by Nick Tierney!) on how to change package names (note, it is from 2017): https://www.njtierney.com/post/2017/10/27/change-pkg-name/
00:57:23 Isabella Velásquez: https://twitter.com/jayyqi/status/1228049523806617601?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1228049523806617601%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fivelasq.rbind.io%2Fblog%2Fyou-cran-do-it%2F
01:01:12 Brendan Lam: This is helpful^ Thanks!
01:01:44 Isabella Velásquez: Is this what you are referring to? RMarkdown Driven Development (RmdDD) https://emilyriederer.netlify.app/post/rmarkdown-driven-development/
01:03:25 collinberke: Yes!
01:04:04 collinberke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMWgu9OQ0m8&list=PL3x6DOfs2NGiXMln8bxY7e0XgA5z1cp-8&index=4
01:04:24 Isabella Velásquez: Thanks!
01:06:39 Ryan Metcalf: https://www.rstudio.com/conference/
01:06:49 Isabella Velásquez: HAVE to
01:10:21 Isabella Velásquez: Here’s a video of Emily’s talk from a conf in the past : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6YO5nW46SU
01:16:22 Ryan Metcalf: `git checkout -b <name of your branch>`
4.8.4 Cohort 4
Meeting chat log
00:25:00 Oluwafemi Oyedele: Sorry for jumping in late!!!
00:25:05 Schafer, Toryn: Welcome!
00:48:52 defuneste: https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-do4ds/the-5-tenets-of-devops.html