16.1 roxygen2 basics

16.1.1 Documentation workflow

Four main steps:

  1. Opening move is add roxygen comments above your functions in your R/.R files
  2. Run devtools::document()
  3. Preview documentation with ?function
  4. Rinse and repeat

16.1.2 roxygen2 comments, blocks, and tags

  • Four basic building blocks:

    1. #' - roxygen comment
    2. Multiple # lines - a block
      • Wrapped at 80 characters (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + / or reflow comment)
    3. Tags - Breaks up the blocks
      • @tagName details
    4. Introduction
      • First sentence is the title
      • Second paragraph is the description (what does the function do?)
      • Paragraphs >= 3 allow for more detail
  • All objects must have a title and description

  • Details are optional

  • Blocks and tags give documentation structure

Here’s a simple first example: the documentation for str_unique().

#' Remove duplicated strings
#' `str_unique()` removes duplicated values, with optional control over
#' how duplication is measured.
#' @param string Input vector. Either a character vector, or something
#'  coercible to one.
#' @param ... Other options used to control matching behavior between duplicate
#'   strings. Passed on to [stringi::stri_opts_collator()].
#' @returns A character vector, usually shorter than `string`.
#' @seealso [unique()], [stringi::stri_unique()] which this function wraps.
#' @examples
#' str_unique(c("a", "b", "c", "b", "a"))
#' # Use ... to pass additional arguments to stri_unique()
#' str_unique(c("motley", "mötley", "pinguino", "pingüino"))
#' str_unique(c("motley", "mötley", "pinguino", "pingüino"), strength = 1)
#' @export
str_unique <- function(string, ...) {

16.1.3 Key markdown features

  1. Backticks for inline code
#' I like `thisfunction()`, because it's great.
  1. Square brackets for auto-linked function
#' It's obvious that `thisfunction()` is better than [otherpkg::otherfunction()]
#' or even our own [olderfunction()].
  1. Vignettes
  • vignette("rd-formatting", package = "roxygen2")

  • vignette("reuse", package = "roxygen2")

  • vignette("linking", package = "pkgdown")

  1. Lists
#' Best features of `thisfunction()`:
#' * Smells nice
#' * Has good vibes