5.1 Alfa: a script that works

A fictional script for a dataset of people who went for a swim:

Where did you swim and how hot was it outside?

infile <- "swim.csv"
(dat <- read.csv(infile))
#>   name    where temp
#> 1 Adam    beach   95
#> 2 Bess    coast   91
#> 3 Cora seashore   28
#> 4 Dale    beach   85
#> 5 Evan  seaside   31
  1. Observations were classified as American or British based on how they described the beach:
dat$english[dat$where == "beach"] <- "US"
dat$english[dat$where == "coast"] <- "US"
dat$english[dat$where == "seashore"] <- "UK"
dat$english[dat$where == "seaside"] <- "UK"
  1. Temperatures were converted to Celsius:
dat$temp[dat$english == "US"] <- (dat$temp[dat$english == "US"] - 32) * 5/9
#>   name    where temp english
#> 1 Adam    beach 35.0      US
#> 2 Bess    coast 32.8      US
#> 3 Cora seashore 28.0      UK
#> 4 Dale    beach 29.4      US
#> 5 Evan  seaside 31.0      UK
  1. Data is written back out to a CSV file. A timestamp is also captured in the filename.
now <- Sys.time()
timestamp <- format(now, "%Y-%B-%d_%H-%M-%S")
(outfile <- paste0(timestamp, "_", sub("(.*)([.]csv$)", "\\1_clean\\2", infile)))
#> [1] "2022-April-17_07-14-16_swim_clean.csv"
write.csv(dat, file = outfile, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)