7.1 Meeting Videos

7.1.1 Cohort 1

7.1.2 Cohort 2

7.1.3 Cohort 3

There was no meeting that specifically covered this material.

7.1.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:49:03    Olivier Leroy:  I cant share image in zoo chat so I will do it in slack
00:57:57    Olivier Leroy:  https://github.com/tidyverse/googledrive/blob/main/R/sysdata.rda
01:01:12    Olivier Leroy:  ➜  readr tree
├── doc
│   ├── column-types.html
│   ├── column-types.R
│   ├── column-types.Rmd
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── locales.html
│   ├── locales.R
│   ├── locales.Rmd
│   ├── readr.html
│   ├── readr.R
│   └── readr.Rmd
├── extdata
│   ├── challenge.csv
│   ├── chickens.csv
│   ├── epa78.txt
│   ├── example.log
│   ├── fwf-sample.txt
│   ├── massey-rating.txt
│   ├── mtcars.csv
│   ├── mtcars.csv.bz2
│   ├── mtcars.csv.zip
│   └── whitespace-sample.txt
01:01:33    Olivier Leroy:  this is a part of what I get from readr/
01:01:55    Olivier Leroy:  in the library folder
01:08:00    Jamie Hogg: Thanks Oluwafemi! I have another meeting now. See you all next time :)
01:08:11    Olivier Leroy:  bye!