16.16 Do repeat yourself

  • Self-contained documentation vs. DRY (don’t repeat yourself)
  • Limit user frustration resulting from navigating multiple help files
  • Two ways to handle:
    1. @inheritParams: reuse parameter documentation
      • From source @inheritParams function
      • From another package @inheritParams package::function
#' @param a This is the first argument.
foo <- function(a) a + 10

#' @param b This is the second argument.
#' @inheritParams foo
bar <- function(a, b) {
  foo(a) * 10

# Equivalent to

#' @param a This is the first argument.
#' @param b This is the second argument.
bar <- function(a, b) {
  foo(a) * 10
  1. @describeIn or @rdname: document multiple functions in one place
    • Use with caution. Can lead to confusing documentation.
    • See the foobar example
    • See the arithmetic example