8.8 Missing data patterns for stations originally in the Chicago ridership data
Fig. 8.5
miss_entries %>%
raw_entries ::select(-date) %>%
<- apply(miss_entries, 2, sum)
<- vapply(raw_entries[, -1], function(x) sum(is.na(x)) > 1, logical(1))
has_missing <- names(has_missing)[has_missing]
# do clustering on just the station data (not time) and get a reordering
# of the stations for plotting
miss_data %>%
raw_entries[, miss_station] is.na()
<- hclust(dist(t(miss_data)))
clst <-
clst_stations tibble(
station_id = colnames(miss_data),
order = clst$order
station_names %>%
stations ::select(name, station_id) %>%
dplyrright_join(clst_stations, by = "station_id")
<- station_names[["name"]][station_names$order]
miss_vert %>%
raw_entries gather(station_id, raw_entries, -date) %>%
filter(station_id %in% miss_station) %>%
mutate(status = ifelse(is.na(raw_entries), "missing", "complete")) %>%
full_join(station_names, by = "station_id") %>%
name = factor(name, levels = station_lvl),
status = factor(status, levels = c("missing", "complete"))
miss_vert ggplot(aes(x = date, y = name, fill = status)) +
geom_tile() +
ylab("") + xlab("") +
scale_fill_grey() +
theme(legend.position = 'top')
There are nine stations whose data are almost complete except for a single month gap. These stations are all on the Red Line and occur during the time of the Red Line Reconstruction Project that affected stations north of Cermak-Chinatown to the 95th Street station.