3.2 How to summarize collection of data points: The idea behind statistical distributions

3.2.1 Measuring the measuring central tendency

  • mean
  • median: not affected by outliers

3.2.2 Measurements of variation

  • range
  • standard deviation
  • variance: affected by outliers
  • adj variance
  • percentiles: difference between 75th percentile and 25th percentile removes potential outliers

3.2.3 Statistical distributions

probability of occurrence

  • normal distribution or Gaussian distribution: typical “bell-curve”

3.2.4 Confidence intervals

  • bootstrap resampling or bootstrapping: estimate intervals is to repeatedly take samples from the original sample with replacement.
sample1= rnorm(50,20,5) # simulate a sample

# do bootstrap resampling, sampling with replacement
boot.means=do(1000) * mean(resample(sample1))

# get percentiles from the bootstrap means

# plot the histogram
                    xlab="sample means")
abline(v=c(q[1], q[2] ),col="red")

  • Central Limit Theorem(CLT): construct the confidence interval using standard normal distribution, take repeated samples from a population with sample size, the distribution of means of those samples will be approximately normal with mean and standard deviation.