4.2 Prediction using Regression
Caution: Be careful extrapolating results beyond the range of the dataset
Prediction Interval (Uncertainty around a single value)
Confidence Intervals (Uncertainty around a statistic)
Individual data point error
Here is an example of individual data point error. If we filter for those properties that have four bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a lot square footage between 10k and 11k, the sale price varies by $50k. This is error in our model.
dat %>% dplyr::filter(Bedroom_AbvGr == 4 &
bath == 3 &
Lot_Area >=10000 &
Lot_Area < 11000) %>%
dplyr::select(Sale_Price) %>%
## # A tibble: 9 × 1
## Sale_Price
## <int>
## 1 218500
## 2 211000
## 3 170000
## 4 165150
## 5 157000
## 6 139000
## 7 127500
## 8 103500
## 9 100000