4.4 Interpreting Regression Equations

4.4.1 Correlated Variables (Variables that move together, either in the same direction or opposite direction)

Remember back to our house sales data, the coefficient for Bedrooms was negative. This implies that the more bedrooms a house has, the less it will sell for. The reason is the total square feet and the number of bedrooms (and bathrooms) is highly correlated. We can see this using a Gaussian Graphical Model

dat %>% dplyr::select(total_sf, Lot_Area, bath, Bedroom_AbvGr) %>% 
  correlation::correlation(partial = TRUE) %>%

When we remove the total square feet and number of bathrooms, the number of bedrooms becomes desirable. We are essentially using this as a proxy for the size of the home.

lm(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Bedroom_AbvGr + Central_Air,
               data = dat) %>% 
  summary() %>% 
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   term          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   53396.    7027.         7.60 3.99e-14
## 2 Lot_Area          2.43     0.175     13.9  1.72e-42
## 3 Bedroom_AbvGr  9956.    1666.         5.98 2.57e- 9
## 4 Central_AirY  79630.    5475.        14.5  2.50e-46

4.4.2 Multicollinearity (when a predictor can be expressed as a linear combination of other predictors–extreme case of correlated variables)

lm(Sale_Price ~ total_sf + First_Flr_SF + Second_Flr_SF + Lot_Area + 
     Bedroom_AbvGr + Central_Air, data = dat) %>% 
  summary() %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   term            estimate std.error statistic   p.value
##   <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   -16691.     4897.        -3.41 6.62e-  4
## 2 total_sf         108.        2.58      41.8  1.43e-299
## 3 First_Flr_SF      47.7       2.93      16.3  3.61e- 57
## 4 Lot_Area           0.194     0.120      1.61 1.08e-  1
## 5 Bedroom_AbvGr -22774.     1294.       -17.6  5.42e- 66
## 6 Central_AirY   47527.     3598.        13.2  9.61e- 39

In the background, R handles this by removing a variable that causes multicollinearity (Second_Flr_SF). However, this is unstable and should be addressed explicitly.

4.4.3 Confounding Variables (problem of ommision)

With our housing data, location may be a confounding (houses in some neighborhoods may sell at a higher price than other neighborhoods).

neighborhood_groups <- dat %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(resid = residuals(house_lm)) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(Neighborhood) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(med_resid = median(resid),
            cnt = n()) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(med_resid) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(cum_cnt = cumsum(cnt),
        neighborhoodgroup = forcats::as_factor(ntile(cum_cnt, 5)))

dat <- dat %>% 
  left_join(dplyr::select(neighborhood_groups, Neighborhood, neighborhoodgroup),
            by = "Neighborhood")

lm(Sale_Price ~ total_sf + Lot_Area + Bedroom_AbvGr + bath + Central_Air + 
     neighborhoodgroup, data = dat) %>% 
  summary() %>% 
## # A tibble: 10 × 5
##    term                 estimate std.error statistic   p.value
##    <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)         -5644.    4131.         -1.37 1.72e-  1
##  2 total_sf               86.7      2.26       38.4  3.83e-261
##  3 Lot_Area                0.453    0.0990      4.58 4.94e-  6
##  4 Bedroom_AbvGr      -17093.    1074.        -15.9  1.02e- 54
##  5 bath                17560.    1222.         14.4  2.71e- 45
##  6 Central_AirY        30157.    3071.          9.82 2.01e- 22
##  7 neighborhoodgroup2  17332.    2615.          6.63 4.05e- 11
##  8 neighborhoodgroup3  25081.    2546.          9.85 1.49e- 22
##  9 neighborhoodgroup4  46051.    2733.         16.8  7.29e- 61
## 10 neighborhoodgroup5 102744.    3289.         31.2  4.59e-185

4.4.4 Main Effects and Interactions

interaction_fit <- lm(Sale_Price ~ Lot_Area + Bedroom_AbvGr + bath + Central_Air + neighborhoodgroup*total_sf, data = dat) 

interaction_fit %>% 
  summary() %>% 
## # A tibble: 14 × 5
##    term                          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##    <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)                  14634.    6503.         2.25  2.45e- 2
##  2 Lot_Area                         0.497    0.0936     5.31  1.15e- 7
##  3 Bedroom_AbvGr               -16855.    1028.       -16.4   7.90e-58
##  4 bath                         18578.    1158.        16.0   1.55e-55
##  5 Central_AirY                 33268.    2937.        11.3   3.95e-29
##  6 neighborhoodgroup2           27831.    7329.         3.80  1.49e- 4
##  7 neighborhoodgroup3           14349.    7390.         1.94  5.23e- 2
##  8 neighborhoodgroup4            3273.    8054.         0.406 6.84e- 1
##  9 neighborhoodgroup5          -40739.    9717.        -4.19  2.84e- 5
## 10 total_sf                        68.0      4.38      15.5   2.85e-52
## 11 neighborhoodgroup2:total_sf     -5.95     4.94      -1.20  2.29e- 1
## 12 neighborhoodgroup3:total_sf      7.12     5.17       1.38  1.69e- 1
## 13 neighborhoodgroup4:total_sf     29.6      5.48       5.40  7.25e- 8
## 14 neighborhoodgroup5:total_sf     76.6      5.49      13.9   7.29e-43

If an interaction is significant, it means the association is different at different levels of a factor or different values of a continuous variable. You will need to visually determine how this differs in order to interpret these results.

interaction <- ggeffects::ggpredict(interaction_fit, 
                                    terms = c("neighborhoodgroup", "total_sf"))


Selecting interaction terms

  • Prior knowledge and intuition can guide choices

  • Stepwise regression can be used to sift through variables

  • Penalized regression can automatically fit to a large set of variables

  • The most common approach is to use tree models, as well as their descendants which automatically search for optimal interaction terms.