0.1 Meeting Videos

0.1.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log

00:12:31    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    r4ds.io/ps4ds
00:14:47    Bryan Tegomoh:  2nd edition
00:14:49    Scott Nestler:  I have a copy of each.
00:14:50    Francisco Escobar:  1e
00:17:26    Scott Nestler:  Sounds like a good plan to start with.
00:18:28    Kaytee Flick:   I liked that part:D
00:21:29    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    For those synching up later: "I liked that part" was about the Tukey stuff in chapter 1.
00:32:34    Diego Ramírez González: I am a neuroscience grad student in Mexico. I am here to study stats :)
00:32:58    Kaytee Flick:   Yay neuroscience!
00:34:49    Morgan Grovenburg:  https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-ps4ds
00:38:03    Kaytee Flick:   Can confirm that learning both simultaneously can break your brain....speaking from my current experience:P
00:38:22    shamsuddeen:    @Kaytee..-;)