4.8 Meeting Videos

4.8.1 Cohort 1, Part 1

Meeting chat log

00:34:10    pavitra:    https://www.programmingr.com/animation-graphics-r/qq-plot/#:~:text=The%20qqplot%20function%20in%20R.%201%20x%20is,is%20the%20name%20of%20the%20Q%20Q%20plot.
00:34:47    jiwan:  maybe the base R plot() function on an lm result? it plots a bunch of things (resid, qq, …)
00:35:55    June Choe:  re: qq plots - there's an interesting paper (and an R package {qqvases}) on QQ plots that draws an analogy to filling a vase with water which intuitively clicked for me - https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1605&context=statistics_papers
00:36:35    pavitra:    ooh..that looks good. Thanks June
00:36:49    pavitra:    good catch, Jonathan
00:37:08    Ryan S: # to graph the residuals (from r4ds Ch25)
nz <- filter(gapminder, country == "New Zealand")
nz_mod <- lm(lifeExp ~ year, data = nz)
plot3 <- nz %>% 
  add_residuals(nz_mod) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, resid)) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "white", size = 3) + 
  geom_line() + 
  ggtitle("Resid pattern")
00:38:00    pavitra:    nice! Thank you Ryan. That's what I wanted to know
00:40:02    pavitra:    apparently bathrooms are not very significant in this model
00:40:04    pavitra:    that figures
00:58:45    pavitra:    thanks morgan. this was a dense chapter
00:58:54    June Choe:  thanks for presenting!
00:58:59    priyanka gagneja:   thx Morgan 
00:59:10    Stan Piotrowski:    Great presentation, Morgan!
00:59:12    jiwan:  Thank you Morgan!
00:59:17    shamsuddeen:    Thanks Morgan, great presentation
00:59:18    Morgan Grovenburg:  Thank you all for your patience with me!
01:03:04    Andy Farina:    Thank you Morgan, great presentation
01:04:07    Andy Farina:    I am able to present if you would like a break
01:04:39    shamsuddeen:    See yall

4.8.2 Cohort 1, Part 2

Meeting chat log

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