13.8 Layouts
There are several options for creating the layout of the user interface of a Shiny app. Here, we explain the layout called sidebar. The specification of other layouts can be seen in the RStudio website.
A user interface with a sidebar layout has a title, a sidebar panel for inputs on the left, and a main panel for outputs on the right.
To create this layout, we need to add a title for the app with titlePanel(), and use a sidebarLayout() to produce a sidebar with input and output definitions.
SidebarLayout() takes the arguments sidebarPanel() and mainPanel(). sidebarPanel() creates a a sidebar panel for inputs on the left, and mainPanel() creates a main panel for displaying outputs on the right.
All these elements are placed within fluidPage() so the app automatically adjusts to the dimensions of the browser window as follows:
<- fluidPage(
ui titlePanel("title panel"),
sidebarPanel("sidebar panel"),
mainPanel("main panel")
) )
# load the shiny package
# define the user interface object with the appearance of the app
<- fluidPage(
ui titlePanel("Example of sidebar layout"),
inputId = "n", label = "Sample size",
value = 25
plotOutput(outputId = "hist")
# define the server function with instructions to build the
# objects displayed in the ui
<- function(input, output) {
server $hist <- renderPlot({
# call shinyApp() which returns the Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)