1.2 How?

1.2.1 Check/use R4ds Slack

  • Tour of Slack
    • You can exchange, share links of references and ask questions
    • You have pinned all the link of this book club (planning, github repo, etc)
    • Do not forget to be kind!

1.2.2 Using Git and Github

Git: version control as a DAG

GitHub: company that host remote git and way more!

You will have:

  • a repository in your computer with git initialize

  • a remote repository in your GH account (linked to your local repository)

  • a link with the R4DS bookclub-geohealth GH repository Set up

  1. Install git
  2. Introduce yourself to git
  3. Having a GitHub (GH) account
  4. Link GH and Rstudio (optional but make stuff way more easy!)

Then you can follow R4DS workflow

My workflow:

1.2.3 Following the flow

Source: Richard McElreath (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYYBtxHWE0A&t=1180s)