9.1 Data & data preparation
9.1.1 data
## x y pos age netuse treated green phc
## 1850 349631.3 1458055 1 1783 0 0 40.85 1
## 1851 349631.3 1458055 0 404 1 0 40.85 1
## 1852 349631.3 1458055 0 452 1 0 40.85 1
## 1853 349631.3 1458055 1 566 1 0 40.85 1
## 1854 349631.3 1458055 0 598 1 0 40.85 1
## 1855 349631.3 1458055 1 590 1 0 40.85 1
## [1] 2035 8
The analysis is done at the village level by aggregating the malaria tests by village.
gambia count(x,y) %>%
## x y n
## 1 349631.3 1458055 33
## 2 358543.1 1460112 63
## 3 360308.1 1460026 17
## 4 363795.7 1496919 24
## 5 366400.5 1460248 26
## 6 366687.5 1463002 18
9.1.2 Prevalence
Grouping coordinates found 65 locations, or villages were the test were conducted.
gambia count(x,y) %>%
## [1] 65 3
<- gambia %>%
d group_by(x,y) %>%
summarise(total = n(),
positive = sum(pos),
prev = positive / total,.groups = "drop")
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
## x y total positive prev
## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 349631. 1458055 33 17 0.515
## 2 358543. 1460112 63 19 0.302
## 3 360308. 1460026 17 7 0.412
## 4 363796. 1496919 24 8 0.333
## 5 366400. 1460248 26 10 0.385
## 6 366688. 1463002 18 7 0.389
9.1.3 Transforming coordinates
<- SpatialPoints(d[, c("x", "y")],
sps proj4string = CRS("+proj=utm +zone=28")
)<- spTransform(sps, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")) spst
<- d %>%
sps st_as_sf(coords=c(1,2),
crs = "+proj=utm +zone=28")
%>%head() sps
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 349631.3 ymin: 1458055 xmax: 366687.5 ymax: 1496919
## CRS: +proj=utm +zone=28
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## total positive prev geometry
## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <POINT [m]>
## 1 33 17 0.515 (349631.3 1458055)
## 2 63 19 0.302 (358543.1 1460112)
## 3 17 7 0.412 (360308.1 1460026)
## 4 24 8 0.333 (363795.7 1496919)
## 5 26 10 0.385 (366400.5 1460248)
## 6 18 7 0.389 (366687.5 1463002)
<- sps %>%
spst st_transform(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
%>%head() spst
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: -16.38755 ymin: 13.18541 xmax: -16.23041 ymax: 13.53742
## CRS: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## total positive prev geometry
## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <POINT [°]>
## 1 33 17 0.515 (-16.38755 13.18541)
## 2 63 19 0.302 (-16.30543 13.20444)
## 3 17 7 0.412 (-16.28914 13.20374)
## 4 24 8 0.333 (-16.25869 13.53742)
## 5 26 10 0.385 (-16.23294 13.20603)
## 6 18 7 0.389 (-16.23041 13.23094)
<- spst %>%
d1 st_coordinates() %>%
bind_cols(d) %>%
%>% head() d1
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
## long lat x y total positive prev
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -16.4 13.2 349631. 1458055 33 17 0.515
## 2 -16.3 13.2 358543. 1460112 63 19 0.302
## 3 -16.3 13.2 360308. 1460026 17 7 0.412
## 4 -16.3 13.5 363796. 1496919 24 8 0.333
## 5 -16.2 13.2 366400. 1460248 26 10 0.385
## 6 -16.2 13.2 366688. 1463002 18 7 0.389
9.1.4 Mapping prevalence
<- colorBin("viridis",
pal bins = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
d1 leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
addCircles(lng = ~long, lat = ~lat,
color = ~ pal(prev)) %>%
pal = pal, values = ~prev,
title = "Prev.") %>%
addScaleBar(position = c("bottomleft"))
9.1.5 Environmental covariates
Model malaria prevalence using a covariate that indicates the altitude in The Gambia:
<- getData(name = "alt",
r country = "GMB",
path = "data",
mask = TRUE)
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 108, 384, 41472 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 0.008333333, 0.008333333 (x, y)
## extent : -16.9, -13.7, 13, 13.9 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
## source : GMB_msk_alt.grd
## names : GMB_msk_alt
## values : -2, 63 (min, max)
<- colorNumeric("viridis",
pal values(r),
na.color = "transparent")
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
colors = pal,
opacity = 0.5) %>%
pal = pal,
values = values(r),
title = "Altitude"
) addScaleBar(position = c("bottomleft"))
Add the altitude:
# ?raster::extract
<- d1 %>%
d2 mutate(alt = raster::extract(r,
%>% head() d2
## # A tibble: 6 × 8
## long lat x y total positive prev alt
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -16.4 13.2 349631. 1458055 33 17 0.515 14
## 2 -16.3 13.2 358543. 1460112 63 19 0.302 30
## 3 -16.3 13.2 360308. 1460026 17 7 0.412 32
## 4 -16.3 13.5 363796. 1496919 24 8 0.333 20
## 5 -16.2 13.2 366400. 1460248 26 10 0.385 28
## 6 -16.2 13.2 366688. 1463002 18 7 0.389 17