11.6 Figures
Figures can be created by writing the R code that generates them inside an R code chunk. In the R chunk we can write the option fig.cap to write a caption, and fig.align to specify the alignment of the figure (‘left’, ‘center’ or ‘right’). We can also use out.width and out.height to specify the size of the output. For example, out.width = ‘80%’ means the output occupies 80% of the page width.
The following chunk creates a scatterplot with life expectancy at birth versus GDP per capita in 2007 obtained from the gapminder data. The chunk uses fig.cap to specify a caption for the figure.
which(gapminder$year == 2007), ],
gapminder[aes(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp)
) geom_point() +
xlab("GDP per capita (US$)") +
ylab("Life expectancy (years)")
Images that are already saved can also be easily included with Markdown syntax. For example, if the image is saved in path path/img.png, it can be included in the document using
![**rmarkdown workflow**](images/rmardown diagram.png)
We can also include the image with the include_graphics() function of the knitr package. This allows to specify chunk options. For example, we can include a centered figure that occupies 25% of the document and has caption.
::include_graphics("path/img.png") knitr