5.2 Where’s Your Variation?

Avocado Prices Overview

The graph below depicts weekly Avocado sales quantities in California from 1/2015 - 3/2018

  • What can we infer from the above relationship?
  • What research questions might we produce from this chart?
  • Can we answer our research questions using the chart?

Example Answers to Above Questions

What can we conclude from the above chart?


  • Negative statistical relationship between avocado prices and quantity sold
  • Nothing else.

Cannot conclude

  • Increase in avocado price caused lower sales
  • How supply and demand interact to influence price

Example research questions

  • What is effect of price increase on avocados demanded?
  • How does number of avocados brought to market influence price charged?
  • Effect of price on number of avocados brought to market?
  • Temporal effect of quantity demanded from prior week on subsequent week

Can we answer research questions based on data in graph?


DGP and Isolating Variation in Avocados Example

Broad ideas

  • How can we find variation in data that answers our question?
  • What is the variation that we want to find? Assume we want to determine effect of price on demand for avocados
  • Need to have some knowledge about DGP to address these questions

Avocado DGP

  • Assume avocado suppliers set plan for weekly avocado prices at beginning of each month
  • Explanations due to suppliers setting prices or quantities only matter between months
  • Using this information, we can isolate variation due to consumers only.
Within Month Avocado Example
Within Month Avocado Example