13.16 Standard errors

  • Standard errors can be messed up in may ways because assumptions are violated
  • We can account for this, though
  • correlated errors change the sampling distribution: mean is swingier, larger standard deviation

13.16.1 Assumptions

  1. error term \(\epsilon\) is normally distributed –> OLS is mostly okay with this
  2. error term is independent and identically distributed (iid)
  • autocorrelation: temporal/spatial
  • heteroskedasticity
  • we have to figure out how this assumption fails

13.16.2 Fixes (mostly sandwich estimators)

  • heteroskedasticity: Huber-White
  • auto-correlation: HAC, e.g. Newey-West
  • geographic correlation: Conley spatial standard errors
  • hierarchical structure: clustered standard errors, e.g. Liang-Zenger
  • right level of clustering: treatment level/domain knowledge
  • only works for large number of clusters, $ >50$; fix: wild cluster bootstrap standard errors
  • bootstrapped standard errors

13.16.3 Bootstrapping

  1. start with data set with \(N\) observations
  2. randomly sample \(N\) observations (with replacement)
  3. estimate statistic
  4. repeat many times (a couple of 1,000)
  5. look at distribution of estimates
  • can be used for any statistic
  • need large samples
  • don’t perform well with extreme value distributions
  • doesn’t do well with autocorrelation