13.13 Variable transformation

  1. give the variable statistical properties that play more nicely with regressions (e.g. skew)
  • but it’s fine for an outlier to affect the OLS slope
  1. linear relationship between variables
  • \(Wealth = InitialWealth \times e^{10 \times InterestRate}\)
  • $ln(Wealth) = ln(InitialWealth) + 10 ln(InterestRate) $

13.13.1 Options

  • log (can’t handle zeros)
  • \(log(x+1)\)
  • square root
  • asinh: \(ln(x + \sqrt{x^2 + 1})\) –> similar to log
  • winsorizing: cut off values
  • standardizing: \((X - mean(X))/ sd(X)\)

13.13.2 Interpretation of log

  • for values close to 0 (up to .1): basically \(\beta_1 \times 100\%\)