13.15 Nonlinear regressions

  • not accounting for non-linearity messes up results: range, slope

  • usually tailored to dependent variable
  • binary dependent variables: usually OLS nontheless, but called linear probability model (LPM)
  • one way: generalized linear model (GLM): \(Y = F(\beta_0 + \beta_1X)\), where \(F\) is the link function and the inside the index.

13.15.2 Interpretation

  • use marginal effects
  • \(\frac{\partial Pr(Y = 1)}{\partial X} = \beta_1 Pr(Y = 1) (1- Pr(Y = 1))\)
  • but this changes with every \(X\)
  • recommendation against marginal effect at the mean
  • instead: average marginal effect